The EnviroWild Team is asking for support with our lodgement in the High Court in January, asking the Justices to ask the Premier of QLD to answer the Demand Questions.
Following is the letter we are asking the People of QLD to sign and return to us.
Fax to (07) 4096 2641
The cost of High Court cases are massive, please donate $165 (incl GST) per family OR $110 (incl GST) per individual.
Either as a postal order, a cheque or into the following account Envirowild Pty Ltd
BSB: 084 512 Account No: 79847 1759
Name ………………...…………………………………………………….
Residential Address ……..………………………………………………………………..
Postal Address ………………………...…………………………………………….
I am a sovereign person and an entity inside the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) of 9th July 1900 and the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 proclaimed on the 1st January 1901.
I, along with all the other sovereign people inside the Constitution as in its Preamble, am an equal shareholder of all the assets of the Commonwealth of Australia, those assets being currently held under the Corporations Act 2001 (C’wth).
I hereby support the Demand for Information from The Honourable Anna Bligh MP Premier of the State of Queensland by Mr David John Walter on 1st December 2009.
If this information has not been supplied to Mr David John Walter by close of business on 31st December 2009, I wish to be named in the application for a prerogative writ of mandamus, that The Honourable Anna Bligh MP Premier of the State of Queensland, presents the information requested by Mr David John Walter on 1st December 2009, at a date of mention to the full High Court, subject to Chapter III of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act at Sections 75(5), 76(2) and 80.
On the day of mention to the full High Court, if the information is still not forthcoming, a further request will be made by Mr David John Walter for a further writ.
I have not been informed by any elected representative of the body politic of either Queensland or the Commonwealth of Australia, as to changes to Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867, subject to Section 53, to alter the position of that Constitution.
I have not been requested by the subjects of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act under Sections 117 to 128, to vote as to whether to allow Queensland, as a State of the Commonwealth of Australia subject to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, to become a Sovereign State, to vote as to whether Queensland may use the assets of the sovereign people under the Corporations Act 2001 (C’wth), and to vote as to whether Queensland’s legislature should not comply with section 109 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) and the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
If this matter is to be put before the High Court, I also request that the High Court accept this as my application to join in the application for a prerogative writ of mandamus to be put to The Honourable Anna Bligh MP Premier of the State of Queensland, as no referendum has been placed before me in these matters by my elected Members of the body politic thereby failing to respect and uphold the trust I placed in them by my vote.
I also request that the High Court allow further time for acceptance of any other sovereign person of the Commonwealth of Australia to join in this action after its initial lodgement.
……………………………………… ………………………………………
(Printed Full Name) (Signature)
Signed this ………………..……..….…….. day of ………….…..……….….…….. 20…..
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