Thursday, January 7, 2010

Demand Request for Anna Bligh, Premier of QLD

What is happening in QLD is the primer for the removal of all property rights in the other states of Australia.
By effectively removing themselves from the 1900 Constitution in 1923, yet maintaining the appearance of being part of the Commonwealth in order to continue to accept money from consolidated revenue, the QLD govt have become a "foreign government" in Australia.
As Mr Rudd and the Governor-General Quentin Bryce both come from this independent state, Australia is now a "colony" of QLD, the government of which has claimed the land of the Crown of the 1900 Constitution and placed it under the Crown know as the Executive Government of QLD.

On December 2 2009, David John Walter sent Anna Bligh the following letter...............................

The Honourable Anna Bligh MP
Premier of the State of Queensland
Parliament House
Brisbane Qld 4000


1. I, David John Walter,

am a sovereign person under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK)
(reference Chapter 12 of 63 and 64 Victoria of 9th July 1900 AD) and under the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 proclaimed on 1st January 1901,

am an equal shareholder, along with all the other sovereign persons under the above-mentioned Constitution of all the assets of the Commonwealth of Australia inter alia with the Corporations Act 2001 (C’wth),

am a citizen of the indissoluble Federal Commonwealth, the Commonwealth of Australia, under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,

am a loyal subject of Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors,

and am a resident in the Commonwealth of Australia’s State of Queensland
at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

2. I hereby place before you a Demand for Information with regard to the following:-

Demand for Information
The Honourable Anna Bligh MP Premier of the State of Queensland
requested by
David J. Walter

2.1. Full results of the referendum to progressively remove the constitutional Crown from legislation in Queensland.

(Refer: Section 53 Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867)

2.2. Full results of the referendum to progressively alter the position of the office of the Crown’s representative in Queensland, the Governor of Queensland.

(Refer: Section 53 Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867)

2.3. Full results of the referendum to progressively pass to the corporate Queensland Government, the assets of the sovereign people of Commonwealth of Australia.

(Refer: Sections 117-128 of the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901)

2.4. Full list and details of transfer of those assets.

2.5. Full results of the referendum to progressively remove entrenched sections of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867.

(Refer: Section 53 Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867)

2.6. Full results of the referendum to remove Queensland from the Commonwealth.

(Refer: Section 53 Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 and Sections 117-128 of the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901)

3. The citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia have the right to a referendum under Section 128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, before any attempt to alter this Constitution may be made.

4. The citizens of the Commonwealth of Australia who are also residents in the Commonwealth of Australia’s State of Queensland have the right to a referendum under Section 53 ofQueensland’s Constitution Act 1867, extract from which states:- “A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act namely—sections 1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B, 14; and this section 53 shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act.”

5. The Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 and its Constitution of Queensland 2001 have removed entrenched sections of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 by removing the Separation of Powers, by placing members of the executive government, the premier and cabinet ministers, inside the current Parliament in Queensland, by altering the positions of judges of the Supreme and District Courts, the positions of Ministers of the Crown, and the position of Governor, the Crown’s representative, to positions of office holders inside that Parliament, and by changing Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) to Members of Parliament (MP), all contra to Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 and Sections 117-128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.

6. Also contra to Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 and Sections 117-128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, with this demise of the Crown, Her Majesty’s Police Force as people once knew it and which protected the Crown and its people, has been changed to the Queensland Police Service which now protects only the Queensland Government owned corporations and has therefore become a security agency for these corporations but has no lawful Crown authority over us, the sovereign people.

7. Also contra to Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 and Sections 117-128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, with this demise of the Crown, the ownership of property which includes freehold land as people once knew it has been changed, with the corporate Queensland Government taking an unregistered interest in property and land, by placing its corporate seal on people’s property and certificates of title, thereby taking joint ownership of that property and land, but without the owners’ consent.

8. Also contra to Section 53 of Queensland’s Constitution Act 1867 and Sections 117-128 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, with this demise of the Crown, The Treasury, under its corporate seal, borrows money on the people’s and Crown’s assets and deals at will with that money with no accountability to the people.

9. I require this information to be forwarded to me within 21 working days from the date below.

(David J. Walter)1st December 2009

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